1/4 Scale, Designed by Al Franklin
The floats are cloth reinforced mat fiberglass. The engine box design that holds the engines to the wing can be used in either cowl configuration.
The wing design includes 2 full depth 1/4 " AC ply spars capped with 1/2 X 1/4" spruce strips and then carbon fiber strand is glued on top of that with epoxy. The wing cores are designed to be sheeted with 1/64" ply. The spar slots are hot wired into the wing cores ready for construction. The tail group is foam cored. The horizontal stab uses a 1/4" AC ply spar and the vertical stab uses a 1/4" AC ply spar that goes from the top of the stab to the bottom of the hull. The hull has reinforcement box design stringers along the sides of the hull to keep the flat sides from being too flabby.
The kit includes fiberglass fuselage, floats, cowls and nacelles, foam wing, horizontal and vertical stab cores, spar joints, windshield and windows, step by step construction and flying video, full size plans and a construction book full of photos. This is an awesome great flying sea plane. You will never be sorry that you own one.
Price---------- $1235.00.
Wing Span
8 '
40 - 45 lbs
Wing area
15 Sq. ft
Ryobi 31s, G-38, or 4 cylinder OS Pegasus engines
Landing Gear
Scale and available from Robart
Polyester Fiberglass hand laid 1 oz. mat with 8 oz cloth on top of that
in areas that need strength or stiffening. Fiberglass nacelles, and cowls. Both the original Ranger cowls are available
and the Mckinnon conversion Lycoming cowls if desired.
2000 Best of Show London Bridge Seaplane Classic |